Assortment of on different lunchboxes on purple background. Inludes: butterflies mix and match magnet, traffic jam car themed magnet, splatter paint magnet, fairytale fantasy magnets.


Extra magnets for your Rover, Shuttle, or Launch lunchbox.


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5 products

#color_Monster Beats#color_Butterflies
Mix & Match Magnets Sale price$3.95
#color_InterstellarView of Mercury container with Interstellar round magnet attached to lid, lid is off and container is full of alphabet soup. Soup pasta spells out "EXPLORE"
Round Magnets Sale price$1.95
#color_Splatter Paint#color_Traffic Jam
Rover Magnets Sale price$3.95
#color_Traffic Jam#color_Fairytale Fantasy
Launch Magnets Sale price$3.95
#color_Fairytale Fantasy#color_Traffic Jam
Shuttle Magnets Sale price$2.95